Give India Programme

Since 2009, GCK partnered with the Give India organization, which operates a voluntary donor website. Through this individuals around theworld can donate their money to preset project areas of NGOs in India. Through this support GCK was able towork on programsin five areas:

Ensuring Safe Motherhood –
Funds given to this cause allow GCK to support approximately 225 pregnant women with regular counselling services, which provide information on proper health during and after pregnancy. As well women were provided with the three stage anti-natal care checkups and they were also provided with supplementary nutritional supplies and information on diet during pregnancy. All the women were also informed about the services provided by the government and encourage seeking an institutional delivery.

Reading Improvement Program –
Under this sector, funds were used to support 200 children of Class II in 2 government schools, to attend these reading skills improvement sessions.

Toilet Construction –
This category comprises of two components, an awareness campaign about proper sanitation, which the funds helped to support, and the physical construction, for which 18 toilets were built thanks to donors.

RoofWater Harvesting Structures –
These structures, which help to mitigate the harmful effects of humans on the environment and provide water security for households or schools, are extremely useful in a dry area like Rajasthan. Therefore, this year funds for 17 structureswere greeted withmuchgratitude.

Support for Balwadi Center –
These facilities, which provide services to children 3-6 years, aim to create a friendly and stimulating environment for young people to develop important cognitive and social skills. Give India donations covered the costs of 56 children attending these centers for threemonths each.

Support a Poor girl for maintaining good personal hygiene
The poverty stricken families of the villages are given prior preference our others for selecting the poor girls who instead of bad economic and social conditions prefer to read in schools and continue their studies. These families are entitled to blow poverty line categories. Till date 221 numbers of poor girls have been covered.