Child Protection

The term ‘child protection’  is referred to preventing and responding to violence, exploitation and abuse against children – including commercial sexual exploitation, trafficking, child labour and harmful traditional practices, such as female genital mutilation/cutting and child marriage.

To adhere to the above mentioned points GCK assures that every child’s childhood is protected by creating a protective environment for children and by improving the resilience of children. Networking with Government Departments and other NGOs working on child protection issues resulted in the development of a common understanding of child protection and the best strategies to accomplish it. As a result of our efforts in joint meetings, the Government system is now actively cooperating with issues pertaining to child rights and ensures us that it will maintain this cooperation in future. Trainings and meetings resulted in the awareness regarding child protection issues among PRIs, VDC, PTA, CWBC, and SHG members, who are gradually assuming their responsibility in making it an actual practice. Child protection, child rights and child abuse have become a common interest issue and are now being discussed in group meetings. Groups are now aware of the existing policies pertaining to child protection. The differences between abuse and physical and sexual exploitation are now clear as well.